Framing Art: How To Frame A Print Perfectly

wailea beach poster art

Wailea Beach poster framed without a mat.

Blue No Sign photo print framed with a mat.

So you bought a print – awesome! Now to figure out how you’re going to hang it. When it comes to framing art, it can be hard to know where to start. There’s a lot to think about: what color frame should I get? Mat or no mat? What size frame? What thickness and color?

There are so many ways to frame a print, and if you’re like us, these small decisions start to feel like big ones. But don’t worry – we’re here to help make framing art as simple as possible! Buying art is exciting, and we want framing it to feel the same way.

What Is The Best Way To Frame Art Prints?

First off, here are a couple of our top tips that will help you select a frame for your amazing new piece, whatever its style and dimensions.

●      Keep it simple: Most of our artwork looks great in simple frames. We’re particularly big fans of black and light wood for framed wall art.

●      Know when to use a mat (and when not to): Artwork like screen prints and posters looks best in frames without a mat – there is already enough white space for it to breathe in the frame. On the other hand, artwork like photo prints and art prints looks best in a frame with a mat.

How To Frame A Print Using A Mat

Let’s talk mats. The mat is the window opening made out of thick paper board that sits in between the glass of your frame and your artwork. Keep in mind that the mat is usually a quarter inch smaller on each side than the image size. When you’re searching for the perfect mat and frame combo, look for dimensions of the mat that are the same as your artwork.

For example, if you have artwork that is 11”x14,” look for a mat that has a 11”x14” opening and a frame that is about 16”x20”. If you already have a frame, and want a mat, take your frame and artwork to a nearby framer and they should be able to cut a mat to the perfect size.

Our Favorite Framers

Here are a few of our favorite spots to help you out with framed wall art:

●      Homeforia: Small family business based out of Wyoming, offering many size and color options.

●      Framebridge: Online and store locations (in some states) - send them the art or drop by a store - for beautiful, custom framing.

●      Westfall Framing: Check them out if you’re a more advanced framer, and want more variation and customization with your frames.

●      House of Color: La Grange Park local framer. Bring in your artwork and have all the work done for you!

How Do I Frame My Own Prints?

If you’re choosing a DIY approach to framing art, below is a general framing size guide that will be helpful when choosing your frame size. When selecting a mat, we recommend beginning by choosing a size opening that closely matches your image, then go from there. In the end, framing comes down to your preference, your style, and what will look best in your home. If you have any questions about how to frame a print, please contact us – we’ll be happy to guide you in the right direction.


Please note this is just a guide. Sizes, especially concerning mats, may differ based on the manufacturer. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out!


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