Running thoughts…

Since living in San Diego, the ocean has become my sanctuary. I live exactly 2 miles from Ocean Beach and when I can, I go there to think, be thankful and soak up the blissfulness of the crashing waves.

Most mornings I wake up and go for a run to the water. Running and listening to the sounds of the neighborhood, sometimes music. My head is the most clear when I am running. Ideas race through me, and when at a stop light I jot down ideas and projects in my notes app: “Running Thoughts”. Sometimes they are silly like "what if Noah illustrated a children’s book about a dolphin who was afraid of being in open water and how he overcame his fear of the ocean” …and now that I type it out, it doesn’t seem so silly.

Other times these running thoughts actually come to fruition. For example, my most prized project I made, Rasputin. If you haven’t watched, click here!

The quiet, empty beach before everyone wakes up is unbelievably peaceful. It is my form of meditation. Not only does the beach inspire me to photograph and create but it also sets me up to have a productive day.

Overall, having a connection with the ocean reminds me how beautiful this earth is. Life is good.

- Annie


Framing Art: How To Frame A Print Perfectly


Color Palette